
Welcome to Bumstead's Cub Hub!

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Featured products

Phoenix College Preparatory Academy AZ Tax Credit

Receive a state tax credit up to $200 for an individual or $400 for a couple when you file your taxes. Enter Donation Amount (Price) below:

PCPA Graduation Store

Cap & Gown Cost: $25.00 (includes tax, shipping, and handling)

PC Scholarship Donation

Your donation helps students achieve their dreams.

PCPA Yearbook Club Sales

PCPA Yearbook Club Sales
From $10.00

Student Nursing Organization e-Store

PC Nursing Organization e-Store
From $2.00

Support PC Athletics

PC has several nationally recognized teams: men's and women's basketball, men's and women's soccer, baseball, softball and volleyball. Your gift provides funding that is vital to student support!

PC United's Promenade of Flowers Spring Formal

PC United's Promenade of Flowers Spring Formal